

The LIVING Whale

We connect art and environment care

Culture, nature, recycling, workshops, creativity, fun
We are interested in life, nature, ecology.
We perceive culture as the way we live every day. We inspire each other, we are interested in
basic principles of co-existence, friendship, help, sharing.
We learn about life from our own experience, from children and from other species too,
species with enormous capacities.
Our symbol is The LIVING Whale in many forms. It is a symbol of authenticity,
purity, wisdom, power and tenderness.


Our main activities

- Fun and educational worskshops for children, families, schools and kindergartens
- Teambuilding for school and kindergarten teachers
- Cooperation on the city festivals and celebrations
- Authentic made-to-order artwork

We tell the stories about water and the rivers about the sea and the islands, about life on Earth. We learn to take care of the planet, to recycle and to see the inter-relations.

The LIVING Whale was created in Pilsen, visited Prague and other places. In August 2015 she brought messages all the way to Amsterdam and to the Norhern sea.


More about our offer HERE.